CPEQ membership and its benefits

Please note that CPEQ membership is open exclusively to businesses and business associations. (To find out if your organization is already a CPEQ member, please contact us at 514-393-1122 or info@cpeq.org.)



1. Member services

  • Our government representations, since our privileged relationships with governments and our very good links to decision-makers in Quebec and Canada allow us to quickly make a case in front of Cabinet members and senior public servants, who we frequently consult;
  • Our “Communiqué hebdomadaire”, a French legal and environmental monitoring weekly newsletter;
  • Our "Bi-monthly Brief", an English condensed version of our recent “Communiqués hebdomadaires’’ sent every two months;
  • Our working committees, tasked with elaborating the official CPEQ views and enabling companies and associations to exchange views on common issues;
  • Exclusive access to our decision-making tools, like the « Questions & answers » tool with the MELCCFP, in relation to the authorization regime of the Environment Quality Act and its key supporting regulations.

2. Seasonal governmental meetings

          2.1 Discussion forum CPEQ-ECCC

The discussion forum (spring and/or fall) with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) provides the perfect opportunity to learn the goals of ECCC and to address their representatives with questions or comments.

          2.2 Joint committee CPEQ-MELCCFP

The joint committees (spring and/or fall) with the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) provide the perfect opportunity to learn the goals of the MELCCFP and to address their representatives with questions or comments. 

          2.3 Joint committee CPEQ-MRNF

The joint committees (spring and/or fall) with the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts (MRNF) provide the perfect opportunity to learn the goals of the MRNF and to address their representatives with questions or comments.

          2.4 Joint committee CPEQ-MEIE

The joint committees (spring and/or fall) with the Ministère de l’Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie (MEIE) provide the perfect opportunity to learn the goals of the MEIE and to address their representatives with questions or comments.

3. Discounted rates

All our members benefit from largely discounted rates for all our activities. Since the membership applies to the whole of a company or association, all employees can benefit from these discounts.


Member services

  • The CPEQ offers its members a full range of services, including:
  • Acting as mediator at working committees, when members must develop unified positions on environmental issues, political, legal and regulatory projects, and further advocating these unified positions to government authorities and other stakeholders.
  • Issuing statements and letters of comment addressed to the provincial and federal governments, in order to convey the adopted positions on various political, legal and regulatory projects to do with the environment and sustainable development.
  • Undertaking legal and information monitoring as far as the environment and sustainable development are concerned and providing access to relevant documentation.
  • Publishing the Communiqué hebdomadaire that summarizes information relevant to companies regarding environmental and sustainable development topics such as climate change, waste management, water, forestry, mining and corporate social responsibility, among others. Our Communiqué hebdomadaire covers legislative and regulatory news as well as recent developments, new initiatives and publications at the provincial and national levels. The CPEQ also produces a Bi-monthly Brief, an English summary of the recent Communiqués hebdomadaires, sent every two months. 
  • Maintaining our website, where members have access, via the Member area, to all CPEQ publications as well as to several additional resources and tools.

Our members also benefit from:

  • Discounts on training sessions and workshops organized by the CPEQ on topics related to the environment and sustainable development.
  • Discounts on conferences and symposiums focusing on current environmental issues. These events offer networking opportunities and aim to facilitate the sharing of information and best practices among the various businesses as well as other stakeholders.
  • Exclusive access to information and exchange meetings between companies and government representatives on specific issues.
  • Access to a network of contacts at provincial, national and international level, when it comes to the environment and sustainable development.

Working Committees

How working committees operate

The CPEQ has set up several working committees that are tasked with defining the CPEQ's position on various issues. These committees are free and exclusive to our members.  The nature of the work completed by these committees, can be for members of the CPEQ to sometimes take positions, when the government announces a legal bill or regulation, but it can also be about information points or various presentations in relation to the committee's main subject matter. This is why the topics covered vary greatly from one sitting to the next. Times and frequency of the committee meetings also vary, according to legislative developments and especially the works of the various government departments. The committee meetings usually take place at the CPEQ offices, starting around 9.30 am and finishing before 12.00 pm. Of course, if you are located far from the Montreal region or if you are unable to travel, you can participate remotely.

Following a working committee meeting, the CPEQ usually produces a report, available to members only via the Member area of the website. The CPEQ may also issue a statement or write a letter to the relevant regulatory authority in order to inform them of its members' concerns and to offer solutions.

List of the CPEQ working committees
  • Committee on social acceptability
  • Legal Affairs committee
  • Committee on biodiversity, protected areas, natural settings and wetlands
  • Noise committee
  • Climate change and energy committee
  • Community of practice on climate and biodiversity disclosure
  • Committee on sustainable development, CSR and ESG factors
  • Water committee
  • Committee on industrial ecology, circular economy and residual substances
  • Committee on environmental evaluation
  • Committee on local manufacturing
  • Hazardous and toxic substances committee
  • Organic substances committee
  • Odours committee
  • Fisheries committee (Fisheries Act)
  • Air quality committee
  • Committee on CMM's regulations on wastewater and the atmosphere
  • Natural resources committee
  • Contaminated soils committee
  • Committee on transportation and sustainable mobility

Membership fees Table

Categories of members

The CPEQ has three categories of members, two for business associations and companies and a third for academic or research institutions. The CPEQ reserves the right to determine which category is better suited to a business association or a company when they apply for membership. CPEQ members thus fall into the following categories:

Voting members 

This category is reserved for companies of 6 or more employees as well as business associations such as associations representing various business sectors.

Observer members

This category encompasses companies of 5 employees or less, some business associations, as well as other types of organizations, including some parapublic organizations. The CPEQ created this category of members in 2011 to allow organizations that are not the target audience of its mandate and mission to benefit from its informational services. Observer members therefore have all the privileges of voting members, except for the right to vote at assemblies and the right apply for a seat on the CPEQ’s board of directors.

Institutional members

This category is intended for universities, university health centers and research groups. Academic members have all the privileges of voting members, except for the right to vote at assemblies and the right to apply for a seat on the CPEQ’s board of directors. 


CPEQ Membership Fees Table - 2025

The Board reviews the CPEQ membership fees table annually and indexes it as needed. The Membership Fees Table is as follows:


Voting members (companies and associations)

Companies (fee based on number of employees working in Quebec)

Number of employees Membership Fees before taxes, in $
6- 50


51 - 100 $784.81 - $1 379.38
101 - 250 $1 391.90 - $2 783.51
251 - 500 $2 783.81 - $4 170.14
501 - 1 000 $4 175.71 - $6 953.95
1 001 - 2 000 $6 959.51 - $9 740.54
2 001 - 5 000 $9 743.32 - $13 917.64
5 001 et plus $13 919.03 - $25 000 (cap)


Observer members
Type of organization Membership Fees before taxes, in $
Small company – 5 or less employees $729.80


Academic members
Type of organization Membership Fees before taxes, in $
University, university health center, research center, chair $2 782.75


Please note that CPEQ membership is open exclusively to businesses and business associations. (To find out if your organization is already a CPEQ member, please contact us at 514-393-1122 or info@cpeq.org.)


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