GOOD NEIGHBOR GUIDE: How to harmonize your industrial activities with the environment and communities




Several members the CPEQ’s Nuisance Committee generously agreed to contribute to the preparation of this Guide by writing a section or ensuring its revision. The CPEQ is very appreciative and thanks them for their participation. The members concerned are Mr. Jean-Luc Allard (SNC Lavalin), Ms. Brigitte Brunelle (Grace Canada), Ms. Nathalie Clément, (Attorney), Ms. Sylvie Côté and Mr. Frédéric Faustin (Dessau), Ms. Élizabeth Crête (Suncor), Ms. Caroline Dufour (CPEQ), Ms. Catherine Goyer (Holcim), Mr. Bernard More (Waste Management), Mr. Dimitri Tsingakis (Association industrielle de l’Est de Montréal), Ms. Laurie Talluto and Mr. Éric Morissette (La Coop fédérée), and Me Henri-Marc Vuillard (Bell). 

Our special thanks go to Mr. Éric Morissette and Ms. Laurie Talluto of La Coop fédérée for generously sharing several tools with the Committee members. Mr. Frédéric Faustin (Dessau) also deserves our special thanks for generously undertaking the meticulous task of reviewing the Guide twice. 

The CPEQ also thanks Ms. Marie Rousseau (Rio Tinto Fer et Titane) for her comments as a CPEQ member. 

The CPEQ thanks the Ordre des urbanistes du Québec, and especially the following individuals: Mr. Claude Beaulac, Director General of the Ordre; Mr. Michel Gariépy, Professor at the Institut d’urbanisme de l’Université de Montréal; Ms. Danielle Lussier, Division Head, Sustainable Development Coordinating Team, Service développement et opérations, Ville de Montréal, and 
Mr. Sylvain Ducas, Division Head, Bureau du plan, Ville de Montréal, for their very relevant and constructive comments.

Finally, the CPEQ thanks the Association des aménagistes régionaux du Québec, who also provided the CPEQ with judicious comments concerning this Guide. 

A final thank you goes to Dessau, which professionally and painstakingly put the document into its final form.

Writing and revision: CPEQ Nuisance Committee
Final revision: Hélène Lauzon, President
Layout and graphic design: Isabelle Deichtmann, ID-GRAPH
Coordination and revision: Caroline Dufour, Coordinator, Communications and Public Relations, CPEQ

© Quebec Business Council for the Environment, 2011
“Good Neighbor Guide – How to harmonize your industrial activities with the environment and communities

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